To transmute energy is to intentionally rearrange one’s electromagnetic field.

Transmute Energy offers Reiki healing services.

Reiki is non-invasive energy healing which assists in clearing imbalances and blockages. Reiki healing sessions assist in balancing an individual’s electromagnetic field to promote their vitality. Reiki is a Japanese healing modality developed by Mikao Usui in the 1920’s. This open practice is based on ancient healing principals from Tibet and India.

Reiki, or Universal Life Force Energy, comes from the Japanese words “rei,” universal, and “ki,” the life force energy which flows through all living things.

At this time, Transmute Energy is solely offering Distance Reiki. In-person Reiki sessions will soon be available in Philadelphia and surrounding areas!

How Reiki Works

Reiki healing assists in the restoration of the recipient's natural state and healing capacity. Universal Life Force Energy is channeled through the practitioner's energetic field, then directed from their hands to the recipient’s field. The practitioner places their hands on or above various parts of the body to clear blockages and refresh the recipient’s natural flow of energy. 

Directing the higher vibrational energy of Reiki to lower vibrational areas allows the process of entrainment to occur. Entrainment occurs when two oscillating energies lock into phase and vibrate in harmony. High vibrational Reiki energy works to gently raise lower frequencies.

Benefits of Reiki

  • Increasing mental focus

  • Improving sleep

  • Assisting the balance of mind, body, spirit

  • Reducing grief

  • Relieving anxiety

  • Reducing stress

  • Increasing feelings of peace

  • Creating space within

  • Removing mental clutter

  • Reducing night terrors

  • Easing exhaustion

  • Dissolving blockages

  • Releasing energetic cords

  • Reducing symptoms of trauma

  • Assisting addiction recovery

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Meet Cara

Transmute Energy is owned and operated by Cara, a Reiki Master based in Pennsylvania. Cara’s sessions are designed to bring further clarity to your present self, assist in relieving grief and discomfort from loss, addiction, and trauma, and aid in connecting you with your highest timeline.


“Regardless of what you say or do or what face you show to the world, your mental emotional state cannot be concealed. Every human being emanates an energy field that corresponds to his or her inner state.”

A New Earth, Eckhart Tolle